Jason has over 16 years experience in the Accounting industry. He has experience working in the private and public sector as well as the government sector. He has also worked at one of the Biggest 4 worldwide accounting firms. During this time he was able to get a complete view of the accounting and business needs of all organisations which makes him well placed to anticipate the needs of your business. He has experience in all aspects of accounting including audit, superannuation, structuring and acquisitions.
Jason is a registered tax agent and has been a business manager for the last 5 years. He is well placed to advise on management accounting, consulting and reporting needs and business improvement methods. Jason currently leads a team of 8 skilled business professionals ready to meet the varied challenges of running a business in the 21st Century. With the help of other closely held associated entities Jason and his team aim to provide a seemless experience for every client across multiple disciplines.